
My journey into the world of ceramics began as a serendipitous exploration. What started as a simple curiosity quickly blossomed into a profound love affair with clay, igniting a newfound passion that now drives every creation that emerges from my hands.

With photography being my true love, the name Sidechick Ceramics seemed fitting & comical, as I often feel like I'm cheating on photography with my newfound love for ceramics. I bring a unique perspective to my ceramic work. I find inspiration in the interplay of light and shadow, texture and form, seeking to capture the essence of each piece through my lens before it finds its way into the hands of its new owner.

Every piece in my collection is a labor of love, meticulously crafted by hand with attention to detail and a dedication to craftsmanship. Whether it's a delicate vase, a functional mug, or a handbuilt homeware, each creation is imbued with its own story, waiting to be discovered and cherished by its beholder.